EPGE Rotating Mural: archive
2nd FGV/IMF Fiscal Policy International Seminar - (April/2016)
Master´s Professional: Registration Period Open - (April/2016)
Seminar: Pension Reform: An Opportunity for Brazil - (March/2016)
FGV/EPGE and FGV/IBRE promote Monetary policy event in honor of the 70th anniversary of Professor José Júlio Senna - (February/2016)
Another EPGE Student was awarded with the FAPERJ Sandwich Scholarship for complementary research abroad - (February/2016)
EPGE students are awarded with FAPERJ Sandwich Scholarship - (February/2016)
International Fellow of University College London - (December/2015)
FGV/EPGE Holds Welcome Event to Selected Students of Vestibular 2016 - (December/2015)