Working Paper Series
The EPGE working papers series, known as Economic Essays, is composed of articles in the final stages of preparation for publication. Their authors seek criticism, commentaries, and display of the articles in seminars and congresses in order to be improved. You can also sign up to receive updates.
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List of Working Papers
- Nº: 563 - Year: 2004 - Author(s): Marcelo Côrtes Neri; Marcelo Xerez
A general-equilibrium closed-form solution to the welfare costs of inflation (Forthcoming, Revista Brasileira de Economia)Nº: 562 - Year: 2004 - Author(s): Rubens Penha Cysne
- Nº: 557 - Year: 2004 - Author(s): Rubens Penha Cysne
- Nº: 551 - Year: 2004 - Author(s): David Martimort; Humberto Ataíde Moreira
- Nº: 543 - Year: 2004 - Author(s): Rubens Penha Cysne
- Nº: 526 - Year: 2004 - Author(s): Juliano Junqueira Assunção; Humberto Ataíde Moreira
- Nº: 544 - Year: 2004 - Author(s): Samuel de Abreu Pessôa; Rafael Rob
- Nº: 554 - Year: 2004 - Author(s): Carlos Eugênio da Costa; Lucas Jóver Maestri
- Nº: 545 - Year: 2004 - Author(s): Ricardo de Oliveira Cavalcanti; Henrique Dezemone Forno
- Nº: 553 - Year: 2004 - Author(s): Daniel Gottlieb; Humberto Ataíde Moreira; Aloísio Pessoa de Araújo
- Nº: 528 - Year: 2004 - Author(s): Zhijie Xiao; Luiz Renato Lima
- Nº: 574 - Year: 2004 - Author(s): Gustavo M. de Athayde; Renato Galvão Flôres Junior
- Nº: 546 - Year: 2004 - Author(s): Ricardo de Oliveira Cavalcanti; Henrique Dezemone Forno
- Nº: 555 - Year: 2004 - Author(s): Daniel Gottlieb; Lucas Jóver Maestri
- Nº: 539 - Year: 2004 - Author(s): Rubens Penha Cysne; Paulo César Coimbra Lisbôa
- Nº: 530 - Year: 2004 - Author(s): Soyoung Kim; Luiz Renato Regis de Oliveira Lima
- Nº: 540 - Year: 2004 - Author(s): Rubens Penha Cysne
- Nº: 538 - Year: 2004 - Author(s): Rubens Penha Cysne
- Nº: 529 - Year: 2004 - Author(s): Luiz Renato Regis de Oliveira Lima; Zhijie Xiao
- Nº: 531 - Year: 2004 - Author(s): Pedro Cavalcanti Ferreira; Giovanni Facchini