Private Sector Financing Choices in a Small Open Economy DSGE model
Speaker: Fernanda Corrêa Fernandes
Date: Tue, 17/05/2016 - 16:00
Place: FGV - 11th floor - Auditorium 2
Effects of Income Distribution on Monopoly Pricing of Luxury Goods
Speaker: Tiago Carvalho Machado de Souza
Date: Thu, 12/05/2016 - 16:00
Place: FGV - 11th floor - Auditorium 2
Conditional Cash Transfers, Political Behavior, and Peer Interactions: Evidence from Brazil
Speaker: Valdemar Rodrigues de Pinho Neto
Date: Tue, 26/04/2016 - 16:00
Place: FGV - 11th floor - Auditorium 2
Measuring Long Run Risk in Brazil
Speaker: Diego Gusmão Brandão
Date: Tue, 19/04/2016 - 16:00
Place: FGV - 11th floor - Auditorium 2
Multi-Country Sectoral Total Factor Productivity
Speaker: Mariana Fialho Ferreira
Date: Tue, 08/03/2016 - 16:00
Place: FGV - 11th floor - Auditorium 2
Practice Location of Physicians: A Discrete Choice Model Approach
Speaker: Letícia Faria de Carvalho Nunes
Date: Tue, 23/02/2016 - 16:00
Place: FGV - 11th floor - Auditorium 2
Contágio no modelo de Allen & Gale com infraestrutura bancária endógena
Speaker: Diego Martins Silva
Date: Fri, 18/12/2015 - 11:00
Place: FGV - 11th floor - Auditorium 2
High Frequency Tail Risk
Speaker: Kym Marcel Martins Ardison
Date: Mon, 30/11/2015 - 16:00
Place: FGV - 11th floor - Auditorium 1
A distribuição de dividendos mínimos restringe o investimento?
Speaker: Vinicius Barcelos de Oliveira
Date: Tue, 24/11/2015 - 16:00
Place: FGV - 11th floor - Auditorium 2
Modelagem Segmentada da Curva de Juros
Speaker: Adriano Augusto de Faria
Date: Tue, 17/11/2015 - 16:00
Place: FGV - 11th floor - Auditorium 2
Private sector financing choices in a small open economy DSGE model
Speaker: Fernanda Corrêa Fernandes
Date: Tue, 10/11/2015 - 16:00
Place: FGV - 11th floor - Auditorium 2
Life Cycle Models, Heterogeneity of Initial Assets, and Wealth Inequality
Speaker: Diego Braz Pereira Gomes
Date: Tue, 03/11/2015 - 11:00
Place: FGV - 11th floor - Auditorium 1
Asymmetric information, consumer behaviour and the Brazilian credit spread
Speaker: Everton Gomes Ferreira de Abreu dos Santos
Date: Tue, 27/10/2015 - 16:00
Place: FGV - 11th floor - Auditorium 2
Credit Suply, Liquidity, and Housing Prices: Evidence of a Regulatory Change in the Brazilian Market
Speaker: Marina Fontes Gontijo
Date: Tue, 06/10/2015 - 16:00
Place: FGV - 11º andar - Auditório 2
Economic Growth and Complementarity Between Stages of Human Capital
Speaker: Bruno Ricardo Delalibera
Date: Fri, 02/10/2015 - 11:00
Place: FGV - 11th floor - Auditorium 2
The Impact of Unilateral Divorce on Children Weight Gain
Speaker: Rafaela Magalhães Nogueira de Carvalho
Date: Fri, 25/09/2015 - 11:00
Place: FGV - 11th floor - Auditorium 1
Introducing open-market operations in matching models of money: a plan for numerical work
Speaker: Fernando Antônio de Barros Júnior
Date: Tue, 22/09/2015 - 16:00
Place: FGV - 11th floor - Auditorium 2
Coexistência entre moeda e títulos - uma abordagem por desenho de mecanismo
Speaker: Caio Augusto Colnago Teles
Date: Tue, 15/09/2015 - 16:00
Place: FGV - 11th floor - Auditorium 2
Government Transfer and Political Behavior in Brazil
Speaker: Valdemar Rodrigues de Pinho Neto
Date: Tue, 08/09/2015 - 16:00
Place: FGV - 11th floor - Auditorium 2
Estimating Multi-Country Sectoral TFPs in a General Equilibrium Setup
Speaker: Mariana Fialho Ferreira
Date: Thu, 03/09/2015 - 16:00
Place: FGV - 11th floor - Auditorium 2