Presentation "TBA"
Speaker: Éverton Gomes Ferreira de Abreu
Date: Wed, 27/02/2019 - 12:15
Place: FGV - 11th floor - Auditorium 2
"Rational Inattention Filter applied to the Focus Survey Database"
Speaker: Guilherme Kira
Date: Tue, 27/11/2018 - 16:00
Place: FGV - 11th floor - Auditorium 2
Presentation TBA
Speaker: Diego Martins Silva
Date: Tue, 13/11/2018 - 16:00
Place: FGV - 11th floor - Auditorium 2
"The impact of NTB on agricultural trade: evidence from the EU meat Market"
Speaker: Francisco Luis Lima Filho
Date: Tue, 06/11/2018 - 16:00
Place: FGV - 11th floor - Auditorium 2
"Predictive Maintenance: Modelling Approaches, Challenges and some Results"
Speaker: Hugo Leonardo Costa de Azevedo
Date: Tue, 30/10/2018 - 15:00
Place: FGV - 11th floor - Auditorium 2
"Judicial Efficiency and Corporate Bankruptcy Outcomes: Evidence from Brazil"
Speaker: Flavio Luiz Alves Flores de Moraes
Date: Thu, 25/10/2018 - 15:00
Place: FGV - 11th floor - Auditorium 2
"A Theoretical Approach for Non Tariffs Barriers Regulation"
Speaker: Rafael Amaral Ornelas
Date: Tue, 23/10/2018 - 15:00
Place: FGV - 11th floor - Auditorium 2
"Neighborhood Effects in a Developing Country”
Speaker: Laísa Rachter de Sousa Dias
Date: Tue, 16/10/2018 - 16:00
Place: FGV - 11º andar - Auditório 2
"'Discrete choice modeling of Brazilian insurance data"
Speaker: Ricardo Alves Brandão
Date: Tue, 09/10/2018 - 16:00
Place: FGV - 11th floor - Auditorium 2
"A theoretical analysis of SISU matching mechanism"
Speaker: Kátia Aiko Nishiyama Alves
Date: Tue, 02/10/2018 - 16:00
Place: FGV - 11th floor - Auditorium 2
Presentation TBA
Speaker: Gabriel Rocha de Almeida Cunha
Date: Tue, 25/09/2018 - 16:00
Place: FGV - 11th floor - Auditorium 2
Presentation TBA
Speaker: Felipi Bruno da Silva
Date: Tue, 18/09/2018 - 16:00
Place: FGV - 11th floor - Auditorium 2
Presentation TBA
Speaker: Manuela Hungerbühler Lopes
Date: Tue, 04/09/2018 - 16:00
Place: FGV - 11th floor - Auditorium 2
“Loan fee dispersion and the cross section of returns”
Speaker: Fernando Ferreira da Luz Barbosa
Date: Tue, 21/08/2018 - 16:00
Place: FGV - 11th floor - Auditorium 2
Presentation TBA
Speaker: Diana Goldemberg
Date: Tue, 07/08/2018 - 16:00
Place: FGV - 11th floor - Auditorium 2
Presentation TBA
Speaker: Ricardo Brito Guedes
Date: Tue, 24/07/2018 - 16:00
Place: FGV - 11th floor - Auditorium 2
Sequential nonlinear pricing with ex-post participation constraints
Speaker: Rodrigo Bomfim de Andrade
Date: Tue, 12/06/2018 - 16:00
Place: FGV - 11th floor - Auditorium 2
A theoretical approach for non tariffs barriers regulation
Speaker: Rafael Amaral Ornelas
Date: Tue, 19/12/2017 - 16:00
Place: FGV - 11th floor - Auditorium 2
The Equity Premium Puzzle: A Selection-Bias Explanation Using Monte-Carlo Methods
Speaker: Guilherme Kira
Date: Thu, 07/12/2017 - 16:00
Place: FGV - 11th floor - Auditorium 2
Central Bank Credibility and Inflation Expectations: A Microfounded Forecasting Approach
Speaker: Ana Flávia Soares dos Santos
Date: Tue, 28/11/2017 - 18:15
Place: FGV - 11th floor - Auditorium 2