Past Thesis' Workshop

  • O “Mercado Negro” de Precatórios no Brasil: Uma Análise Econômica via Opções Reais e Jogos de Opções
    Speaker: Edson Gonçalves - FGV/EPGE
    Date: Fri, 29/05/2009 - 09:45
    Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1
  • Accounting for Higher Moments in Asset Pricing Models with General Discrepancy Functions
    Speaker: Daniela Kubudi Glasman - FGV/EPGE
    Date: Fri, 15/05/2009 - 09:45
    Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1
  • Monetary Disinflation under Endogenous Time-Dependent Rules and Heterogeneity
    Speaker: Iana Ferrão de Almeida - FGV/EPGE
    Date: Fri, 08/05/2009 - 09:45
    Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1
  • Contamination of Confidence
    Speaker: Paulo César Coimbra Lisbôa - FGV/EPGE
    Date: Fri, 24/04/2009 - 09:45
    Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1
  • Price-cap Regulation and the Stock Market Signal
    Speaker: Lavinia Rocha de Hollanda - FGV/EPGE
    Date: Fri, 17/04/2009 - 09:45
    Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1
  • Putting the Pieces Together: Gains from Imported Varieties in the Brazilian Economy
    Speaker: João Barata - FGV/EPGE
    Date: Fri, 27/03/2009 - 09:45
    Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1
  • The Effect of Governance Mechanisms on Equity Prices in Brazil
    Speaker: Gustavo Araujo - FGV/EPGE
    Date: Fri, 20/03/2009 - 09:45
    Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1
  • Pricing-to-market by Brazilian Exporters: a Panel Cointegration Approach
    Speaker: João Barata - FGV/EPGE
    Date: Fri, 13/03/2009 - 09:45
    Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1
  • Vertical relations: complexity, supply chain structure and learning
    Speaker: Pedro Bretan - FGV/EPGE
    Date: Fri, 06/03/2009 - 09:45
    Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1
  • Brazilian Electricity Demand Estimation: What Has Changed After Rationing in 2001?
    Speaker: Amanda Pimenta Carlos - FGV/EPGE
    Date: Fri, 06/02/2009 - 10:45
    Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1
  • Investimentos em Educação e Taxa de Fecundidade no Brasil: Uma Análise Contrafactual
    Speaker: Cláudio Berbel - FGV/EPGE
    Date: Fri, 19/12/2008 - 10:45
    Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1
  • Pricing IDI Options with an Affine Gaussian Model: The Role of Options in Risk Premia Dynamics
    Speaker: Bruno Pereira Lund - FGV/EPGE
    Date: Fri, 03/10/2008 - 09:45
    Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1
  • Evaluating Diferent Approaches in Constructing Coincident and Leading Indices of Economic Activity for the Brazilian Economy
    Speaker: Hilton Hostalacio Notini - FGV/EPGE, Claudia Oliveira da Fontoura Rodrigues - FGV/EPGE
    Date: Fri, 12/09/2008 - 09:45
    Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1
  • Innovations, Absorptive Capacity and Efficiency: Evidence from Brazilian Firms
    Speaker: Luiz Felipe Pires Maciel - FGV/EPGE
    Date: Fri, 05/09/2008 - 09:45
    Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1
  • Opções Reais e Comércio Internacional: Barreiras, Cotas e Tarifas
    Speaker: Edson Daniel Lopes Gonçalves - FGV/EPGE
    Date: Fri, 29/08/2008 - 09:45
    Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1
  • Multidimensional Incentive-Compatibility without Single-Crossing
    Speaker: Daniel Gottlieb - MIT
    Date: Fri, 22/08/2008 - 09:45
    Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1
  • State Space Model for Coincident and Leading Indexes of Economic Activity
    Speaker: Rafael Martins de Souza - FGV/EPGE
    Date: Fri, 15/08/2008 - 09:45
    Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1
  • O impacto dos Programas de Transferência Condicional de Renda Sobre a Instabilidade Matrimonial
    Speaker: Gabriel Cherquer Hartung - FGV/EPGE
    Date: Fri, 08/08/2008 - 09:15
    Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1
  • Mercado Global de Gás Natural: Realidade ou Expectativa? Uma análise utilizando Filtro de Kalman
    Speaker: Marcela Ferreira - FGV/EPGE
    Date: Fri, 01/08/2008 - 09:15
    Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1
  • Information Transmission in Customs Unions
    Speaker: Rafael Costa Lima - FGV/EPGE
    Date: Fri, 25/07/2008 - 09:15
    Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1