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Past Seminars
Displaying 701 - 720 of 821
Earnings dynamics and inequality in Venezuela: 1995-1997Speaker: André Portela SouzaDate: Thu, 07/11/2002 - 14:00Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1More information:
Movie industry: Protection and the size of the marketSpeaker: Eduardo AndradeDate: Thu, 31/10/2002 - 13:00Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1More information:
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Estimation and accuracy of the stationary solution in the dynamic programming problem: New resultsSpeaker: Wilfredo MaldonadoDate: Thu, 24/10/2002 - 13:00Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1More information:
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Sovereign debt with adverse selection: A quantitative approachSpeaker: Fabio KanczukDate: Thu, 17/10/2002 - 13:00Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1More information:
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Building neural network models for time series: A statistical approachSpeaker: Marcelo MedeirosDate: Thu, 10/10/2002 - 13:00Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1More information:
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A model of capital accumulation and rent-seekingSpeaker: Samuel PessôaDate: Thu, 03/10/2002 - 13:00Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1More information:
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The distribution of average and marginal effective tax rates in European Union Member StatesSpeaker: Herwig ImmervollDate: Thu, 19/09/2002 - 13:00Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1More information:
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Inflation targeting, fiscal feedbacks and multiple equilibriaSpeaker: Alexandre SchwartsmanDate: Thu, 12/09/2002 - 13:00Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1More information:
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A class of improved heteroskedasticity-consistent covariance matrix estimatorsSpeaker: Francisco Cribari-NetoDate: Thu, 05/09/2002 - 13:00Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1More information:
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Bertrand, Cournot and monopolistically competitive equilibriaSpeaker: Richard KihlstromDate: Thu, 29/08/2002 - 13:00Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1
Optimal growth in a two-sector model without discounting: A geometric investigationSpeaker: M. Ali KhanDate: Mon, 26/08/2002 - 09:30Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1More information:
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Can the costs of education explain the poverty of nations?Speaker: Pedro Cavalcanti FerreiraDate: Thu, 22/08/2002 - 13:00Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1More information:
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Agenda power in Brazil's Câmara dos Deputados, 1989 to 1999Speaker: Octavio Amorim NetoDate: Thu, 15/08/2002 - 13:00Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1More information:
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Arbitrage with incomplete markets and asymmetric informationSpeaker: Bernard CornetDate: Mon, 05/08/2002 - 09:30Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1
Formal-informal earnings differentials in Brazil. A semi-parametric approachSpeaker: Maria Eduarda Tannuri-PiantoDate: Thu, 18/07/2002 - 13:00Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1More information:
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Projeto Centro de Economia Experimental da EPGE FGVSpeaker: Joisa DutraDate: Thu, 04/07/2002 - 13:00Place: FGV EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1
The effects of federal taxes and benefits on household income in BrazilSpeaker: Rozane SiqueiraDate: Thu, 27/06/2002 - 13:00Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1More information:
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From public to private: The performance of former public workers in the Brazilian labor marketSpeaker: Gustavo GonzagaDate: Thu, 20/06/2002 - 13:00Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1More information:
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Powerful CEOs and their impact on corporate performanceSpeaker: Heitor AlmeidaDate: Thu, 13/06/2002 - 13:00Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1More information:
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Using a panel structure to discuss the Feldstein-Horioka puzzle in developing countriesSpeaker: Fabiana RochaDate: Thu, 06/06/2002 - 13:00Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1More information:
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