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Past Seminars
Displaying 641 - 660 of 821
Common agency with informed principalsSpeaker: Humberto MoreiraDate: Thu, 29/04/2004 - 13:00Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1More information:
Pure strategy equilibria of multidimensional and non-monotonic auctionsSpeaker: Luciano Irineu de CastroDate: Thu, 15/04/2004 - 13:00Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1More information:
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Using Common Features to Construct a Preference-Free Estimator of the Stochastic Discount FactorSpeaker: João Victor IsslerDate: Thu, 01/04/2004 - 13:00Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1
Brazil: Trade policies to improve efficiency, increase growth and reduce povertySpeaker: David Tarr, Mauricio CarrizosaDate: Mon, 29/03/2004 - 09:30Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1
The marginal cost of funds from public sector borrowingSpeaker: Bev DahlbyDate: Thu, 25/03/2004 - 13:00Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1More information:
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All-pay auctions with endogenous asymmetriesSpeaker: Sergio ParreirasDate: Thu, 18/03/2004 - 13:00Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1More information:
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Time preference and income inequalitySpeaker: Rubens Penha CysneDate: Thu, 11/03/2004 - 13:00Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1
Information flow, social interactions and the fluctuations of prices in financial marketsSpeaker: João Amaro de MatosDate: Thu, 04/03/2004 - 13:00Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1More information:
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Populist budgets and long run growthSpeaker: Felix RiojaDate: Thu, 12/02/2004 - 14:00Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1More information:
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On credit rationing and bank firm behaviorSpeaker: Rogerio SobreiraDate: Thu, 05/02/2004 - 14:00Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1More information:
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Caminhos do Sucesso: Estratégia Eleitoral e Ambição na Câmara dos DeputadosSpeaker: Carlos PereiraDate: Thu, 22/01/2004 - 14:00Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1More information:
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A Theoretical Connection Between Inflation and Income InequalitySpeaker: Rubens Penha CysneDate: Thu, 15/01/2004 - 14:00Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1
Statistical Inference for Diffusion Processes : A SurveySpeaker: Rubens Penha CysneDate: Thu, 18/12/2003 - 14:00Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1More information:
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Yet Another Reason to Tax GoodsSpeaker: Carlos E. da CostaDate: Thu, 27/11/2003 - 14:00Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1More information:
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R&D Investment, International Trade and "Home Market" and "Competitiveness" EffectsSpeaker: Armando Pires GarciaDate: Thu, 13/11/2003 - 14:00Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1More information:
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Risky business: the market for unprotected commercial sexSpeaker: Paul GertlerDate: Mon, 10/11/2003 - 10:30Place: FGV/EPGE - 11º andar - Auditório 1More information:
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Do borrowing constraints decrease intergenerational mobility? Evidence from BrazilSpeaker: Sergio G. FerreiraDate: Thu, 06/11/2003 - 14:00Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1More information:
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The impact of property rights and its limitsSpeaker: Sebastián GalianiDate: Wed, 05/11/2003 - 10:30Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1More information:
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Judiciário, Reforma e Economia: A Visão dos MagistradosSpeaker: Armando Castelar PinheiroDate: Thu, 30/10/2003 - 14:00Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1More information:
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Spectral properties of temporally aggregated long memory processesSpeaker: Leonardo RochaDate: Thu, 23/10/2003 - 14:00Place: FGV/EPGE - 11th floor - Auditorium 1More information:
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