Experimentando microcrédito: uma análise do impacto do crediAMIGO sobre acesso a crédito

Marcelo Côrtes Neri; André Luiz Medrado
Serie number: 608
The present thesis has the objective of deal with the theme of microcredits and analyze his most successful experience in Brazil, the Banco do Nordeste?s CrediAMIGO. There is a description of the program and one quantitative analysis of his performance, which will be made using a data base composed by the Ecinf survey inplemented in 1997 and of 2003, using the method of differences in differences applied with logistic regressions . Our substantive conclusion is that there is an high scale microcredit experience in Brazil based on social collateral that generated a relative access to credit in the poorest region of the country at superior rates from the rest of the country.