
Displaying 1051 - 1067 of 1067
Year: 2010
Year Visitor Affiliation Date Link to edit content
2010 Carlos Hamilton Vasconcelos de Araújo

Activities at EPGE: Spoke about the "Central Bank of Brazil and Monetary Policy" in a special event for EPGE under-graduation students.

Finance Ministry 06/08/2010
2010 Gustavo Manso

Activities: Presentation of article "Information Percolation in Segmented Markets" at Economic Research Seminar.

Sloan School of Business (MIT) 05/08/2010
2010 Marinho Bertanha

Activities: Developed the research joint work "Approach multi-sectoral models of DSGE models" with Professor Marco Bonomo.

Department of Economics, Stanford University 02/08/2010 to 27/08/2010
2010 Eduardo Zilberman

Activities: Presentation of article "Audits or Distortions: The Optimal Scheme to Enforce Self-Employment Income Taxes" at Economic Research Seminar.

Universidade de Nova Iorque 29/07/2010
2010 Geert Bekaert

Activities at EPGE: He presented the paper "The Asymptotic Variance of Semiparametric Estimators with Generated Regressors" at the Seminar on Economic Research.

Escola de Negócio de Columbia 26/07/2010
2010 Geert Ridder

Activities: Presentation of article "The Asymptotic Variance of Semiparametric Estimators with Generated Regressors" at Economic Research Seminar.

University of Southern California (USC) 22/07/2010
2010 Sílvia Helena Barcellos

Activities: Presentation of article "ChildGender and Parental Investments in India: Are Boys and Girls Treated Differently?" at Economic Research Seminar.

RAND Corporation 08/07/2010
2010 Daniel Santos

Activity at EPGE: Presented the work "The Impact of Daycare Attendance on Math Test Scores for a Cohort of 4th Graders in Brazil" at the Seminar on Economic Research.

IBMEC 10/06/2010
2010 Cristine Campos de Xavier Pinto

Activity at EPGE: Presented the paper "Semiparametric Estimation of Peer Effects in Classrooms" at the Seminar on Economic Research.

CEDEPLAR/UFMG 20/05/2010
2010 Elcyon Caiado Rocha Lima

Activity at EPGE: Presentation of the article "Monetary Policy and Exchange Rate Shocks in Brazil: Sign Restrictions Versus A New Hybrid Identification Approach" at Economic Research Seminar.

IPEA 29/04/2010
2010 Timothy J. Kehoe

Activity in EPGE: Presentation of the article "Trade Liberalization, Growth, and Productivity" in Economic Research Seminar.

University of Minnesota 13/04/2010
2010 Eduardo Pontual Ribeiro

Activities at EPGE: He taught in the Master's degree in Finance and Business Economics.

UFRJ 05/04/2010 to 25/09/2010
2010 Gabriel Madeira

Activity at EPGE: Presentation of the article "Observability and Endogenous Organizations" Seminar of Economic Research.

USP 18/03/2010
2010 Tiago Berriel

Activities at EPGE: Presentation of the article "Nominal Portfolio Choice and Redistribution Effects of Inflation Surprises" at Economic Research Seminar.

Princeton University 10/02/2010
2010 Daniel Sanches

Activity at EPGE: Presentation of the article "Transactions and Settlement in a Model of Unsecured Credit" in Seminar of Economic Research.

Washington University 09/02/2010
2010 Felipe Schwartzman

Activity at EPGE: Presentation of the article "Time to Produce and Emerging Market Crises" at Economic Research Seminar.

Princeton University 03/02/2010 to 06/02/2010
2010 Ebrahim Rahbari

Activity at EPGE: Presentation of the article "Portfolios and Business Cycles in an Open Economy DSGE Model" in Seminar of Economic Research

London Business School 29/01/2010