Vice-President/President Election – Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory

Being recently nominated Fellow of the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory (SAET), Professor Aloisio Araujo (FGV/EPGE) has now been appointed as Vice-President of this organization. He was appointed to serve for two years as Vice-President and for subsequent two years as President.

“The nominating process of the SAET is different. For the time being I’m going to understand the Society and its issues and, in two years, I will assume the presidency”, said Aloisio.

He will be part of the Executive Committee together with Prof. David Levine (SAET’s current President), from Washington University at St. Louis; Prof. Charles Plott (Past President), from the California Institute of Technology; Prof. Edward Prescott (Member at Large), 2004 Nobel Laureate, from Arizona State University; Prof. Bernard Cornet (Secretary), from Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne; and Prof. Nicholas Yannelis (Treasurer and Editor of Economic Theory), from the University of Illinois and the University of Manchester.

In addition to editing Economic Theory, the SAET promotes regular scientific meetings.The most important of them, which takes place every two years, has been counting with about 550 presentations.

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