Professor Sérgio Werlang was quoted in the article: “Current plan completes three years” – Globo News – RJ – 06/29/2024

Professor Sérgio Werlang, from FGV EPGE, was quoted in the article "Plano real completa trinta anos", published in Globo News - RJ on June 29, 2024.

Click here to access the online version.

Repercussion on the Midia:

  • 01/07/2024 - "Real brought stability and “opened our eyes” to other problems in Brazil” - Gazeta do Povo Online - PR

  • 02/07/2024 - "Construction of a plan would be more complex today” -  Rede BCN

  • 02/07/2024 - "Construction of a plan would be more complex today” - Rede Bom Dia Online

  • 02/07/2024 - "Real, 30 years: construction of a plan would be more complex these days” - Nota Diária Online

  • 03/07/2024 - "Real, 30 years: construction of a plan would be more complex these days” - São Bento em Foco Online

  • 07/07/2024 - "Real, 30 years: creating a plan would be more complex these days” - Imparcial News Online

  • 07/07/2024 - "Real, 30 years: the next challenge is controlling government spending” - São Bento em Foco Online

  • 10/07/2024 - "Real, 30 years: the next challenge is controlling government spending” - Imparcial News Online