On March 23, 2023, professor Sergio Werlang gave an interview to Jornal da Globo about Copom's decision to maintain the basic interest rate at 13.75%.
Click here to watch the full story (TV Globo - RJ - Jornal da Globo).
Repercussion on the media:
- 23/03/2023 - "Copom maintains basic interest rate level" - TV Globo - RJ - Hora Um.
- 23/03/2023 - "Monetary Policy Committee decided to keep the basic interest rate at 13.75% for the 15th consecutive time" - Globo News - RJ - Globo News em Ponto.
- 23/03/2023 - "The Copom maintains the economy's basic interest at 13.75% per year" - TV Globo - RJ - Bom Dia Brasil.
- 23/03/2023 - "Government criticizes the Central Bank for maintaining interest rates" - Globonews - RJ - Conexão Globonews.