Professor Cecília Machado gave an interview for the article "7 out of 10 women are mothers in Brazil; half is soil" - 13/05/2023 - Cecília Machado - Folha Online - SP

Professor Cecíla Machado from FGV EPGE gave an interviw for the article "7 out of 10 women are mothers in Brazil; half is soil”, in Folha Online - SP on May 13, 2023.

Clique here to access the online version.

Repercussion on the media:

  • 13/05/2023 - "7 out of 10 women are mothers in Brazil; half is soilo” - A Gazeta Online (Notícias)
  • 13/05/2023 - "7 out of 10 women are mothers in Brazil; half is soil” - Correio do Estado Online
  • 13/05/2023 - "7 out of 10 women are mothers in Brazil; half is soil” - Estado de Minas Online
  • 14/05/2023 - "7 out of 10 women are mothers in Brazil; half is soil” - DOL
  • 14/05/2023 - "7 out of 10 women are mothers in Brazil; half of them are soil” - Folha de S. Paulo (COTIDIANO)
  • 15/05/2023 - "7 out of 10 women are mothers in Brazil; half is soil” - MSN Notícias