Os professores Pedro Cavalcanti e Renato Fragelli foram citados no artigo: "Governo Lula promete “neoindustrialização” mas recicla ideias velhas" - Rede Bom Dia Online - SP - 04/08/2023

Professors Pedro Cavalcanti and Renato Fragelli from FGV EPGE were quoted in the article: "Lula Government promises “neo-industrialization” but recycles old ideas", published in Rede Bom Dia Online - SP on August 04, 2023.

Click here to check the article online.

Repercussion on the media:

  • 04/08/2023 - "Lula government promises “neo-industrialization” - Notícias BH Online
  • 05/08/2023 - "Lula government promises “neo-industrialization” but recycles outdated ideas” - Gazeta do Povo Online (Notícia)