EPGE starts celebrations of its 50th anniversary with an international seminar of finance

Began on December 16th the Financial Economics Conference in Rio organized by EPGE. The meeting was idealized by Professor Caio Ibsen de Almeida with the goal of bringing together big names from different foreign institutions to discuss the direction of international finance, the meeting had on the agenda issues such as ways to calculate prices for assets and derivatives, such as rules for division of dividends affect investment decisions for businesses, risk of economic variables and corporate indebtedness.

After the opening ceremony of the event led by the Dean of the EPGE, Professor Rubens Penha Cysne, Marcel Rindinsbacher from Boston University started the presentations with the theme "Optimal Portfolio Allocations with Hedge Funds." Passing for 15 topics, the conference ended on Saturday 18th with Robert Dittmar´s presentation from University of Michigan.

According to Professor Rubens Penha Cysne, Dean of the EPGE, "panels of the event were also very interesting for making a parallel with the 2008 crisis and discuss how economic theories can help individuals, businesses and banks to revise their models."

Among almost 70 participants of the event held in the auditorium Manoel Thompson Motta were economists, financial professionals and academics.

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