The Getulio Vargas Foundation Graduate School of Economics, with support from FGV Projects, hosted the launch of the research "OECD Economic Survey of Brazil: its findings and methodology" at the FGV headquarters in Rio de Janeiro.
The study presents an economic overview published every year and a half, which identifies the main economic challenges facing for the country in question, recommendations and analysis of economic policies.
The FGV EPGE´s Dean, Rubens Penha Cysne, was the coordinator of the event which was attended by Annabelle Mourougane and Jens Arnold, both economists of the OECD; Paulo Gala, Professor of FGV EESP; Vagner Ardeo, Deputy Director of IBRE and Fernando Blumenschein of FGV Projects.
The Organization for Economic Cooperation Development (OECD) was established in 1961 among the countries committed with the principles of the representative democracy and with the free market economy. The Organization headquarters is in Paris, France.
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