EPGE consolidates its academic leadership in Latin America

In 2011, The Getulio Vargas Foundation Graduate School of Economics (FGV EPGE) has been appointed by MEC (Ministry of Education and Culture) as having the best undergraduate program in Economics in Brazil.  See the headlines in the newspaper O Globo, published on January 14, 2011.  According to the General Index of Courses (IGC), EPGE undergraduate program scored 487 points, on a scale of 500.

Recently, The Graduate School of Economics, celebrating its Golden Jubilee this year, has also had the highest CAPES score (grade seven), sharing the national leadership with the Department of Economics at USP, as published in the newspaper Folha de São Paulo, dated January 30,2011 and respective erratum.  These facts are consistent with the world ranking of economics departments, as published by the University of Tilburg (https://econtop.uvt.nl/rankingsandbox.php), in The Netherlands, which considers EPGE the leader among other schools across Latin America.

In an interview to Folha Dirigida on January 1st, 2011, the Dean of EPGE, Professor Rubens Penha Cysne, highlighted some points he considered important for the academic and scientific success of the School along its 50 years.