EPGE brings together high school students from several schools in RJ and other states.

EPGE held the 8th edition of the Introduction to Economics Course for high school students (1st class of Module 1). Classes took place on June 25th, July 2nd and 9th and were taught in a hybrid format.

The complete program and photo galleries are available at: FGV EPGE | Introduction to Economics course for high school students..

The course had the participation of the Graduation Coordinator, Professor José Feres; the School Director, Professor Rubens Penha Cysne; of Professors Fernando Barbosa; Janaina Feijó, Layla Mendes and Marco Cavalcanti; and the students representing the CAEG.

More information about the course: Introduction to Economics Course for High School Students | EPGE Brazilian School of Economics and Finance - FGV EPGE.