Economics Nobel Prize laureate shows the importance of non-cognitive skills in event of EPGE

On May 7, the lecture "Hard Evidence on Soft Skills" was held at EPGE with the winner of Nobel Prize in economics James Heckman. In his speech, Heckman demonstrated how non-cognitive skills developed in childhood and adolescence are decisive in the labour market and in social life, and how those capabilities can be measured in order to identify the stages of school life in which investment should be made in these types of skills.

The event – coordinated by professor Aloisio Araújo – also featured a panel discussion with the Minister of education, Aloizio Mercadante, and with the municipal Secretary of education, Claudia Costin, about the current situation of children’s education in Brazil and its consequences for the general education in the country. "Fundamental education is the foundation that must sustain the system and enable the development of Brazil in the areas in which it has a disability and that are essential, as exact and biological sciences," said the Minister.

Also participated of the table, the president of FGV, professor Carlos Ivan Simonsen Leal, the Director of Academic Integration, professor Antonio Freitas, the Dean of EPGE, professor Rubens Penha Cysne and the event coordinator, also professor of EPGE, Aloisio Araújo.

The economist and Nobel laureate James Heckman has been present at FGV in two other occasions in 2009 and 2011, in seminars on early childhood education.

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